Hall Of Fame - Jan, 2010/2011 season

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@kusasi + @titianred

@titianred with a teeny vodka, limoncello and lemon sorbet combo
The celebration in full swing at @titianred's house

For the first month this season, we have two hashfooterers celebrating victory and two fresh new champions at that: @kusasi and @titianred. It was a very exciting climax to the month's competition as half a dozen people were in contention right up to the last game featured: the long-awaited, terrestrially-televised FA Cup tie from Southampton, mouth-wateringly hashtagged as #bitboring by @kirstieh.

A perfect prediction in this last game helped Henri to catch up Neil, who was already guaranteed first place before kickoff. On the right we see Henri begin her celebrations with a teeny vodka, limoncello and lemon sorbet combo, followed by a depiction of some of the subsequent carry-on. A picture or two from Neil will be following shortly, we hope.