Hall Of Fame - Oct, 2010/2011 season
As it happens, for what it's worth, today is International Day of the Cliché (3rd Nov). It is often said that hashfootery is a marathon, not a sprint, but if truth be told, our August contest was a bit of a dash in the late summer rain and September might be likened to a fairly arduous 400m race. In contrast, October turned out to be 20 laps around the school playground, last one in is a smelly rotten egg. In the end it was a most enjoyable contest culminating in a very close finish, but congratulations go to our October 2010 champion @anna_noonan or Noons as she is known to the world's media.
Noons puts her October hashfootery triumph down to "a combination of hard analytical form study, applied mathematical calculation, strategy and good old head versus heart. Arsene Wenger take note! Champers is the ONLY beverage to celebrate with." Neither priests nor mountains of sugar were mentioned.